Language Logic: Practical and Effective Techniques to Learn Any Foreign Language # "Chinese for me wasn’t a subject away from everything else, but instead was embedded in everything" # "Next time I won’t waste my time with class at all. " # THE IT CROWD カツオノカンムリ人生ブログ/ウェブリブログ # "イギリスはいわゆるsitcomと呼ばれる、シチュエーション・コメディの番組が沢山あるのだが。 ひとみどんが最近ツボなのがこれ。The IT Crowd。ストーリーのバカバカしさもさることながら、キャラ設定も個性的&素敵すぎる。"…
Multiple Kanji Dictionary Lookup Bookmarklet
by khatzumoto
Hey there, you Lazy Kanji aficionados! Here is a little bookmarklet that looks up multiple kanji dictionaries (Wiktionary, MDBG, Richard Sears’ Chinese Etymology, CantoDict and Goo) for you with a single click: Multiple Kanji Lookup Bookmarklet Source code: javascript:(function(){var w=window,d=w.document,s=””;;if(d.selection){s=d.selection.createRange().text}else if(d.getSelection){s=d.getSelection()}else if(w.getSelection){s=window.getSelection()}‘’+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s)+”&submitButton1=Etymology”,”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s),”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s)+”/m0u/”,”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s)+”/m0u/”,”_blank”);“”+encodeURIComponent(s)+”/m1u/”,”_blank”);})()
Flame Less + Journal More = Win
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Social ResistanceA lot of us could benefit from journaling more. A lot of what we say is actually only for our own personal consumption and satisfaction. It may need to be externalized, but not necessarily to other people. Next time you see yourself on the…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2010-11-21
by khatzumoto
"struggling through grammar rules has relatively little to do with really *getting* [it]" # @Great_HS The link list is back 😀 # RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand! "Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker!" # A real #pronunciation class would just have you watch L2…
Cantonese Mini-Transcript / Monsters vs Aliens / You have stolen what is rightfully mine.
by khatzumoto
The movie is Monsters vs Aliens (天煞撞正怪怪獸). Pretty simple story, but somehow I really enjoyed it…only having ever watched it in Cantonese might be a factor 😉 . Anyway, this is the scene where Gallaxhar and Susan “Ginormica” Murphy finally meet. Audio:Monsters vs Aliens: Look, what is it you want from me? 蘇珊墨菲:你呀,你究竟想我點呀? sou saan…
Book Review: Do It Badly And Ahead Of Time! Three Easy-To-Start Habits That Will Make You Awesome Possum
by khatzumoto
It’s a book. It’s good. Let me tell you why 😉 . Title/Author/Info 「前倒し」仕事術! ムリなく始められる、3つの習慣 中井 紀之 (著) Do It Badly And Ahead Of Time! Three Easy-To-Start Habits That Will Make You Awesome Possum Noriyuki NAKAILanguage: Japanese Veracity: Non-fiction Furigana: No Genre: Business book Pros Cons Simple ideas but expressed in an insightful way that…